House to House, Heart to Heart

This newsletter is an evangelistic effort on the part of the Cordova congregation to go into the neighborhoods surrounding our church building and beyond, to meet and greet our neighbors, offering one-on-one home Bible study and correspondence courses, and also, to invite our neighbors to worship with us.  
As we read in the Bible, our Lord and Savior commissions His saints to “Go ye” (Mt. 28:19-20) to spread the Gospel to everyone with whom we come in contact.  Here at Cordova Church of Christ, we take seriously that command.   The materials that we deliver to the homes emphasize the concerns and needs we face on a daily basis, the trials and tribulations that come into our lives, while at the same time, offering hope and direction that can only be found in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).  
We, here at the Cordova Church of Christ, are honored and privileged to call you “neighbor,” and we hope and pray that you will come visit us at your first opportunity!
See issues, click here.